vrijdag 16 september 2016

Bubble braid

Those looking for an easy variation, will choose the bubble braid. For this braid you'll use elastics, so you're only braiding a few stitches every time. This means you only need a few minutes for your hairstyle, perfect for school! The bubble braid can also be done with almost every braiding technique, so there's enough variation!

The technique:
Bubble braid tutorial


The bubble braid as explained in the tutorial. As it's a bubble braid, you're allowed to see the elastics, so use bright colors!

A bubble braid with the braid technique fishtail braid.

Another bubble braid with the braid technique fishtail braid, only now hair has been wrapped around the elastics as explained in the beginning of the bubble braid tutorial.

A bubble braid with a 4 strand ribbon braid.
The easiest one of all: bubble with a braid on top of it. First create a ponytail. Then grab a small section of hair and do a braid with it. Then create your bubbles with the braid included.

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