maandag 19 september 2016

Your age in the number of strands

If you have some more time to braid and you'd like to do something different, then why not try to create a hairstyle with the same number of strands as your age? For example: if you're 15, try to create a style with a total of 15 strands. This may sound like a challenge, but how about three 5 strand braids? Or five 3 strand braids?

The older you are, the more difficult it may be to think of a style. I am 30 for example, so that would mean I'd have to use 30 strands. Above you can see two examples of how I did that. Waterfall braids / twists are perfect for adding in extra braids for example, so this gives you a big number of strands easily.

Do you dare to take the challenge and use your age as number of strands? Feel free to share your photos on the Facebook page Miriam's Vlecht Lessen!

Need a little help?
--> How to braid with 3 strands
--> How to braid with 4 strands
--> How to braid with 5 strands
--> How to braid with 6 strands

30 strands: ten small Dutch 3 strand braids

waterfall twist into a lace braid (3 strands) + four 5 strand braids (20) + a 4 strand braid + a 3 strand braid = 30 strands!

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