zaterdag 12 januari 2019

How to: Corset braid with faux fishtail

Helpful tutorials:
Dutch braid

You'll need:
1 long ribbon (about the length of the hair. Tip: it's better to use a ribbon that's too long than too short!)
Topsy tail or a big needle
Elastics (how much depends on the length of the hair)

How to do this hairstyle?
  1. Part the hair down the middle. For the hairstyle in the photo, a diagonal part was used.
  2. Do a Dutch braid on each side of the part. Finish off each braid with a temporary elastic.
  3. When you've done both braids, bring them together and put an elastic around the braids together.
  4. You can now either do the corset part of the braid first of the faux fishtail part. If you choose to first do the corset part, I'd advise creating the bow once you've done the faux fishtail part.
  5. For the faux fishtail part:
    • put an elastic around the hair, an inch or two below the first elastic. Now do a flip: create an opening and pull the hair through this opening.
    • Now put another elastic around the hair, an inch or two below the previous elastic, and create a new flip. Keep repeating this until you've reached the end of the hair.
  6. For the corset part:
    • take the long ribbon and bring this with the help of a topsy tail or big needle below the left side of your right Dutch braid. Don't pull the ribbon completely through!
    • Bring the other end of the ribbon under the right side of the left Dutch braid.
    • Now pull on the ribbon so both ends are equally long.
    • Use the topsy tail or needle to alternately cross the ribbon under the left and right Dutch braid. This works like you're putting a lace in your shoe. Try to make sure the ribbon doesn't twist.
    • When you've reached the end of the Dutch braids, put the topsy tail / needle behind the elastic and pull the ends of the ribbon down.
    • If you have enough ribbon left, you can wrap the ends around the elastic to create a bow.
Good luck!

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