zaterdag 11 januari 2020

How to: Dutch 3D round braid with 4 strand woven braid

Helpful tutorials:
Dutch 3D round braid

You'll need:
1 elastic
1 ribbon
1 small elastic
Topsy tail (if you wish to hide the elastic with hair - an alternative is to use a flower clip or bow)

How to do this hairstyle?
  1. Attach the ribbon to the big elastic.
  2. Part the hair off centre.
  3. Take a small section of hair on the side with the most hair and divide this into four equal parts.
  4. Start a Dutch 3D round braid with these four strands. Angel your braid towards the ear.
  5. Continue until you've added in all of the hair. Finish on the side of the head.
  6. Use your elastic with the ribbon attached to it to finish off your Dutch 3D round braid.
  7. Take your topsy tail and put it point down through the elastic. Take a small strand of hair, wrap it around the elastic and then put the end of the strand through the opening of the topsy tail. Pull the topsy tail down. You've now done a hair wrapped ponytail, your elastic is hidden. You could also choose to hide your elastic with a flower clip or a bow. If you want to do that, skip this step and add the flower clip or bow once you've finished braiding.
  8. Divide the hair from your ponytail into three equal strands. The ribbon is your fourth strands. The start position of the ribbon doesn't matter for the braid.
  9. Now do a 4 strand woven braid: take the far left strand and cross it over the strand next to it, under the next strand and over the last strand (where 'strand' is written, you can also read 'ribbon').
  10. Repeat step 9 all the way down the hair. Finish off with a small elastic.
Good luck!

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