maandag 16 maart 2020

3D split braid

A 3D split braid is a fun and easy variation on the regular 3 strand braid. Before you cross your strand over another, you split the strand in two and then you cross one section over and one section under the next strand. This creates an almost square looking braid.
Up for a challenge by adding in hair? Make sure to check out the video tutorial linked below. Important: always first split the strand and cross it over and under the next strand before adding in hair. This new hair gets added to the middle strand, which is the strand you've just split.

The technique:
3D split braid tutorial (with adding in hair)


The Dutch 3D split braid, as explained in my tutorial.

A variation on the Dutch 3D split braid: Dutch braid a small part, then create a ponytail and braid the hair from this ponytail. Then turn it into a bun.

The regular 3D split braid, started in a ponytail.

The first 3D split braid I've ever done myself, started without a ponytail, with a flower accent braid in Christmas colors.

A variation on the regular 3D split braid: two small 3D split braids, brought together at the back of the head.

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